Mandala yoga

The Mandala Yoga Fashion was one of the first consistently fair and green collections produced in Germany - and is still today. Read more here!
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Mandala Yoga Fashion - Green Chic At Its Best

At the beginning of Mandala Yoga Fashion was an indefinite feeling in the belly of designer Nathalie Prieger. As a chief designer of a well-known Munich brand she had success & enough money - and yet the indefinite feeling that there was still "more" in fashion. With the founding of your label and with the first Mandala Yoga Fashion Collection in 2000, Nathalie's desire to connect your passion to fashion with a deeper sense, reality. The label was with his Mandala Yoga Mode One of the first German fashion companies with a consistently fairly produced collection."Ethics and fashion, both combined was my vision for the future - and I was the great luck that there was more and more people who supported this idea!"

And this idea has remained faithful Nathalie to this day: all parts of the Mandala Yoga Collection - whether Yoga Tops, Yoga Shirts, Yoga jackets or Yogahose - Are manufactured from organic cotton, gently colored and carefully processed. The production takes place in small companies in Turkey, China, India and Bali, who also visited Nathalie even at irregular intervals.

What kind of nathalie wishes as a pioneer of the "green wave"? "That consumers think closely, for which they spend their money - more class as mass is in my eyes the right way." Close the commitment to green fashion! And if you find here in the shop part of the Mandala Yoga Fashion Collection, of course we look forward to .... :-)