Interview with Cathy Hummels
For many years, Cathy Hummels has been fighting depression time and again. Today, Yoga helps her to stay mentally healthy. The health of our environment is also close to the TV presenter's heart. In the interview, she tells us what simple steps she takes to integrate sustainability into her everyday life.

Yoga as a healing path for traumatised women
A mindful and sensitive approach to yoga can help people process traumatic experiences. We interviewed yoga teacher Rabea König about the healing effects of trauma-sensitive yoga.

Immune power: How Cold Therapy and Yoga Can Strengthen The Immune System
In 2020 the question of how we can strengthen our immune system in a natural way and make our body less susceptible to viruses, has come more into focus. As a result, ice bathing has developed into a real trend during the past winter months. Yin Yoga teacher Ranja Weis explains what it is all about.

10 questions for yoga teacher Yesim Yuva
Yoga teacher Yesim Yuva is a Jack of all Trades! A native of Krefeld with Turkish roots, she is living in London at present. Professionally, Yesim is successfully also working as a model, presenter and actress, and is at home all over the world. In this interview, she relates how she also copes with both her child and career and makes use of the present corona crisis as an opportunity.

Mr. Pumpkin returns to the table
Finally pumpkin time again. When Mr. Pumpkin asks for the table, we won't be long in coming. We celebrate autumn with a pleasantly warm and healthy stew. The recipe for the pumpkin-chickpea stew with coconut milk and warming spices comes from our food blogger Lena.

Heart Over Head
We are living in a time when differences of opinion are raised over the heart being able to connect. Friendships are breaking apart over it. Arguments are arising within families. This post is about the intelligence of the heart. For the mind separates, the heart connects.

Overcoming crises
Meanwhile, we have early August 2020 and are still coming to terms with the remnants of a crisis of unprecedented magnitude. At first we noticed, living in Munich, that the city had calmed down considerably and the air had become fresh and crystal clear as never before. The demands grew to set up an online business up and to deal with fears.

Women can do anything
Says Franziska Giffey, our German Minister of Family Affairs. For several months now, we have been proving it once again. Not to mention private households. We women handle it.

How do we cope with Fear
Our subject is not about eliminating fear completely out of our lives. It is about not being determined by it, not being trapped in it. Not without reason, it is said: "Fear is not a good counselor". Rather, it is about accepting fear, i.e. becoming aware of it, dealing with it, in order to let it go, at least a little bit.