We are living in a time, where judgments and opinions about other persons, as well as certain other topics, are occupying our mind quite considerably. I am experiencing friendships breaking apart due to someone having been shoved into the corner of so-called conspiracy-theorists and "madmen", whereas someone else is considered to be a "sleeping sheep". From friends, I hear of arguments ensuing within families that result in different camps of political opinion being placed above the heart connection. Therefore, this post is going to be about the intelligence of the heart. For without it, our ego gets the upper hand, and our ego tends to be divisive, not of joining together.

At the same time, the heart is in close inter-action with the brain. It communicates with the brain via pulse waves, hormones and other messenger substances, and through the network of our nervous system. In addition, it has an electromagnetic field significantly stronger than that of the brain, it can be measured within three meters of the body. Thus, in guiding us (with the sense of feeling), the heart is the most powerful electromagnetic field in our body.

I am convinced of how important it is to trust the intelligence of our heart during the time we are going through just now. Our heart knows intuitively that we can only get to know love when we love ourselves, and that we can only experience peace when we make peace within ourselves. The mind separates, the heart connects. We need both: brain and heart. As the wonderful, wise words describe in Saint-Exupery’s “The Little Prince”: “You can only see clearly with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes.” And this essential is what really counts in the end.
Model and text: Ranja Weis